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MH-ET Live D1 mini ESP32 Case

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English ESP32 3D Printing Microcontroller
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I often use ESP32 based systems. One of them is the model MH-ET Live D1 mini. It has a small form factor and the most important pins are available for soldering (if needed). What’s missing is a nice case - but here it is.


You probably already heard from the ESP32 family of microcontrollers. They are really nice because the have integrated WLAN and bluetooth beside of typical required ports for peripheral like analog inputs, digital outputs, PWM, I2C and more.

For a simple project I just needed the plain board without any peripherals and for that I wanted to have a nice case. Of course you will find many cases you can print 3D yourself - but all the ones I found needed some kind of screw to mount or didn’t fit correctly.

My Case Design

This was the reason to design my own version of a case. It looks like the following:

My version of a MH-ET Live D1 mini case.

The case consists of following parts:

  • Cover
    • Has a nice Bluetooth logo embedded.
    • Additional there is a hole so status LED of the board is visible.
    • The cover has a tight fit so no additional glue for assembling is needed.
  • Case
    • You will put the microcontroller board into the case. It will fit perfectly and will be hold in place by the cover.
    • To get the board out of the case you just have to put a tooth stick through the hole in the bottom. So you can get easily the board out of the case.
    • For releasing the cover there is a small gap where you can put a screw driver in to get the cover out of the case.
    • On the other side you will find a hole to connect a micro USB cable to the board.

I’m really happy with the design. It is available as MH-ET Live D1 mini ESP32 Case on Printables .

Case in action with installed microcontroller board and connected to power supply.